About Me!

Hello Parents and/or Guardians,

 My name is Jaimie Hale and I am your child's French teacher. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself and a little about how I like my classroom to operate. 

I am a recent graduate of Memorial University's Bachelor of Education Program, focussing on the Intermediate and Secondary level. I also have a Bachelor of Arts from Acadia University where I studied French and English. French has always been a passion of mine, and I feel very fortunate to get to share that with my students.

As a student, I had a hard time sitting still and retaining information through memorization. For this reason, I try to avoid these strategies in the classroom. Instead, I think that the students need to move around, interact and learn through doing. Communication is the foundation of this class; students must develop the skills and confidence to speak to one another in their second (third or fourth!) language, which is no small feat. To accomodate this process, we participate in a number of situational learning activities, roleplay, authentic scenarios, etc.

I am looking forward to getting to know each of you over the course of this school year.

Jaimie Hale
